Entries by Coutney Carver

Important School Calendar Update 8/14/2020

8/14 Update “First 10 Student Days of 2020 21 HCSD School Year” In order to provide students an opportunity to learn new safety protocols in a smaller setting, the Hall County School District will operate under a hybrid schedule for the first two weeks of school. This slow, controlled start allows for a time of […]

IMPORTANT – Device Agreement

Help your child be ready for the first day of school. Sign the e-form today! All parents who wish for their student to use an MTA technology device (chromebook) for school and/or home use, need to login to the ePortal Parent Campus account and digitally sign the “HCSD Student Device Checkout Agreement”.  It is advisable that […]

Back to School ELA and Math Broadcasts

Take a peek at the Back-to-School ELA and Math Reconnect Broadcasts. These broadcasts are designed to help students prepare for the upcoming school year. Featured are six ELA and six math lessons for students in grades K-2, 3-5, 6-8, and 9-12. Please follow the link below for an introduction to the lessons and a menu of […]

August Meal Deliveries

From August 10 through 21, the Hall County School District will provide meals at no cost to children under 18 by way of bus delivery. Breakfast and lunch meals will be delivered daily, Monday through Thursday. Thursday deliveries will consist of breakfast and lunch for both Thursday and Friday. Bus deliveries will begin at 8:30am […]

Free & Reduced Lunch Application

Hall Co. Nutrition is now accepting online applications for Free or Reduced price meals for this upcoming school year. You are required to reapply each year in order to receive meal benefits. Virtual students will be able to pick up meals at the school, we will not be delivering. We do need virtual families to […]

Virtual Learning

Did you choose for your child to be enrolled as a Virtual Student for the first semester? Attached is a video with more information about what that may look like. English: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K0W_CoUs8WI&feature=youtu.be ¿Escogió que su hijo se matricule como estudiante virtual durante el primer semestre? Se adjunta un video con más información sobre cómo se verá. […]

Student Registration

The Hall County School District now has K-12 online virtual registration for enrollments at individual schools. Transfers and/or withdrawals are available starting June 8. To make an online application for these procedures, please go to https://www.hallco.org/web/rtw/. For those unable to complete these online procedures, beginning June 8, in-person registration is available at Ivester Early College […]

Summer Meal Delivery

Hall County Schools June 2020 Summer Meals Schedule Students 18 years-old and younger may participate in the summer meals program.  Meals for the week will be delivered on Tuesdays and Wednesdays during the month of June following the schedule below.  Middle and high school students may also participate along the bus routes.  Buses will leave […]