Kindergarten Registration 2022 – 2023

  Please go to for more details and/or to begin the online registration process.

Title I Parent & Family Engagement Survey

Dear Parents, As we continuously seek to improve the Hall County School District, we want to know how you, as a parent or guardian, feel the schools and the district are doing to meet the needs of students and all stakeholders.  Please help us by completing the survey online. The information that you provide will […]

March Parent and Family Engagement Tip

Title I Parent and Family Engagement Tips:  Thank you for your partnership in helping us build strong readers at MTA.  This month we would love to share with you some simple yet powerful things to do while reading aloud to your children. English: Spanish:

February Parent and Family Engagement Tip

Title I Parent and Family Engagement Tips:  Thank you for your partnership in helping us build strong readers at MTA.  This month we would love to share with you some tips for helping your child use mental imagery while reading. English: Spanish:

January Parent and Family Engagement Tip

Title I Parent and Family Engagement Tips:  Thank you for your partnership in helping us build strong readers at MTA.  This month we would love to share with you some tips for helping get the most out of nonfiction reading time with your child. English: Spanish:

December Parent and Family Engagement Tips

Title I Parent and Family Engagement Tips:  Thank you for your partnership in helping us build strong readers at MTA.  This month we would love to share with you some tips for helping your child read for meaning. English: Spanish:

Title I Parent Snack and Learn

November Parent and Family Engagement Tips

Title I Parent and Family Engagement Tips:  Thank you for your partnership in helping us build strong readers at MTA.  This month we would love to share with you some tips for helping build children’s vocabulary.  The more words a reader knows, the more they are able to comprehend what they are reading or listening […]

October Parent and Family Engagement Tips

Title I Parent and Family Engagement Tips: Thank you for your partnership in helping us build strong readers at MTA. This month we would love to share with you some tips for helping students build stamina in reading! English: Spanish:

21-22 Open House Information