Entries by Coutney Carver

New Learning Commons Coming Fall 2021

Martin’s media center is being renovated and expanded. Demolition began this past week. When students return to school in the fall our new learning commons should be ready. We are so excited about this project. It will feature many improvements including more space, a dedicated storytime room, a green screen room, and a quiet room […]

Annual Title I Parent Input Meeting Information for FY22

Please view the recorded presentation here: https://hallco.zoom.us/rec/share/3VynzmS7nmp1iCw1-A6UIhfDLg_lFPB_dwn2a09Fc8xc5Apo-z-rNS4lOYaAYf23.ZyLvELA1PpdIVn3M ** Please use Passcode: Hg52%a$* After viewing the recording, or looking through the PowerPoint presentations below, please consider providing feedback via the links at the bottom of this post.       If you have feedback to provide, please sign in and complete the feedback form below: FY21 […]